Remarkable Juice To Prevent Wrinkles and Give You Young Look

Do you look yourself in a mirror and wish to stop time? You can’t stop time, but you can do everything in your power to prevent wrinkles from appearing too early. Including certain fresh ingredients in your diet on regular basis will significantly reduce fine lines on your face. So what is the secret combination for eternal youth?

Grapefruit  and lemon will make your skin hydrated and supple and they will give the elasticity of young skin. They are rich in vitamin C which has a profound effect on skin in terms of promoting the production of collagen which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and reducing the damage of the skin caused by free radicals.

They can also alleviate the inflammation of the skin. The lycopene found in grapefruit protects the skin from UV damage.

Beetroot will help you deter wrinkles and slow down the process of aging as well. The powerful antioxidants found in these  ingredients t will keep your skin young and healthy.   The beta carotene found in the beetroot can stimulate the skin’t natural defence against sun damage and photoaging. The silicon content is great for skin care, it promotes firmer and healthier skin.

Being the best detoxifier, beetroot should be your best age-defying friend.  It improves blood circulation and gives the best natural blush to your cheeks.

Combine these ingredients to make a juice, drink it early in the morning whenever you can and experience its anti-aging potential.

Let this juice do its magic and give your face the fresh look it deserves.


  • 2 beetroots, cut into chunks
  • 1 grapefruit
  • ½  lemon
  • 1/3 cup water


Combine the beetroots with the water in a juicer and juice them well to get an incredible juice. Add the squeezed grapefruit and lemon juice and stir everything well. There isn’t limit of how much to drink this juice, the more the better.